As I wrote before, the square of Saturn and Uranus has reached its peak these da

ys, if you remember correctly, it means bigger constraints, changes that we don’t want, but we have to accept them, it even
affects our intuition. At that time, we may have to review all our work, whether we doing everything right and as we wish, maybe it is possible to look at everything from a different perspective, to improve existing methods.***
Kaip jau ir rašiau anksčiau, šiomis dienomis Saturno ir Urano kvadratūra pasiekė piką, jei gerai prisimenate, tai reiškia didesnius suvaržymus, pokyčius, kurių nenorime, bet mums tenka juos priimti, tai netgi veikia mūsų intuiciją. Tokiu metu, gali tekti peržiūrėti… Daugiau