At the beginning of January, it is best to continue the work, we have started be

fore. While Sun is in Capricorn – it’s calmer time. Even the moon these days has a favorable aspect with the great conjunction –
Saturn and Jupiter, so our emotions will be more stable, we will feel calmer. Today and tomorrow, Mercury has a positive aspect with Pluto – it will make our thinking sharper, deeper, we will feel more curious than usual, strive more for results and be more specific with our goals.***
Sausio pradžioje geriausia tęsti pradėtus darbus, kol saulė ožiaragyje metas bus kiek ramesnis. Net mėnulis šiomis dienomis sudaro palankų aspektą su didžiąja konjunkcija – Saturnu ir Jupiteriu, tad mūsų… Daugiau