At the moment, the moon travels in the sign of Scorpio, so we can feel as if wha

t is hidden deep in our subconscious – comes to the surface, whether it is hidden fears, jealousy or disappointments, or maybe expectations, we can feel more thoughtful. Now it is best not to give in to a primitive instinct, but to look for a deeper meaning, maybe it will be your spiritual time of discovery, look at everything from the other side, through the eyes of others.
Šiuo metu mėnulis keliauja Skorpiono ženklu, todėl galime jausti, lyg tai kas paslėpta giliai mūsų pasąmonėje – kyla į paviršių, ar tai paslėptos baimės, pavydas ar nusivylimai, o gal lūkesčiai, galime jaustis labiau susimąstę. Dabar… Daugiau
