Currently, the Moon is traveling under the sign of Capricorn, so now the most st

able emotions prevail. His favorable trines with Mars, Mercury and Neptune also contributes to this, so emotions will not be interrupted by our activities, thinking and imagination. From tomorrow, Uranus will begin it’s retrograde movement, which will last until January 18th. Therefore, these months, it can pull us out of the comfort zone, force us to look back, rethink our actions, bring surprises where things seem stable.
Šiuo metu Mėnulis keliauja Ožiaragio ženklu, todėl dabar vyrauja stabiliausios emocijos. Prie to prisideda ir palankūs jo trinai su Marsu, Merkurijumi ir Neptūnu, todėl emocijos netrukdys… Daugiau
