Due to the harmonious aspect of the Sun and Neptune, we will be more empathetic,

more sensitive, more attentive to others. At this time, a deeper understanding of the world around us is developing. Stronger faith will help maintain your spiritual ideals, working hard on this will not even make your ego your own principles, you will not have to sacrifice your needs and comfort. It is a good time to start creative, artistic activities.
Dėl Saulės ir Neptūno harmoningo aspekto – būsime labiau empatiški, jautresni, atidesni kitiems. Tokiu metu vystosi gilesnis mus supančio pasaulio supratimas. Stipresnis tikėjimas padės išlaikyti savo dvasinius idealus, sunkiai dirbant šiuo klausimu net ir… Daugiau
