In Ukraine, radical changes began when Uranus entered Taurus 2018-2026 (3th: com
munications, technology, relations with the surrounding states), and appeared in front of their Pluto – a change we all felt. (Pluto return Capricorn 2022/2/22). Strength – in their unity. 🙏
Russia’s stronger changes will be consolidated by Pluto entering the Aquarius 2023 March 23 (global transformations, crossing the subconscious, thinking). The conjunction of Mars and Saturn is still to come (March 6 – April 17) – (last triple conjunction 1945-1946) a change of government will return to boomerang. Micro aggression, confrontation, anger, and ongoing conflict.
Ukrainoje radikalūs pokyčiai suintensyvėjo kai… Daugiau