Since Friday, Mars has moved to the constellation of Leo, it is a playful positi

on that brings more optimism, passion, determination, we will want to spend more time actively, various activities in nature,
sports activities are perfect for that. Also, the desire to compete with each other, will remain, because at that time our ambitions are growing, we want to have more than usual, at the moment it is better to avoid unreasonable anger and aggression.***
Nuo penktadienio Marsas perėjo į Liūto žvaigždyną, tai žaisminga jo pozicija, įnešanti daugiau optimizmo, azarto, ryžto, norėsis aktyviau leisti laiką, tam puikiai tiks įvairios veiklos gamtoje, sportiniai užsiėmimai. Taip pat, išsaugs… Daugiau