Since yesterday Venus has moved into it’s verse, i. to the sign of Libra, which

will remain until the end of the month. This is a good time to create beauty procedures, self-pampering, wardrobe filling, and
financial well-being. The square of the Moon and Neptune can lead to false impressions, doubting their actions. You can dive into fantasies too much, so this is not the time for self-analysis. At this time, it is better to spend more time sleeping, writing, watching movies. We will be more empathetic, so it’s time to help others. ***
Nuo vakar Venera perėjo į savo stichiją, t.y. į svarstyklių ženklą, kuriame užsiliks iki mėnesio pabaigos. Tai palankus metas grožio procedūroms, savęs… Daugiau