The Moon is currently traveling under the sign of Pisces, and we also have the F
ull Moon – so at the moment – we can feel more emotional, more sensitive to the environment around us, we can cry more easily,
especially if something fails according to our wishes or expectations. Due to the conjunction of the Moon and Neptune, it is a favorable time for creative activity, spiritual, self-knowledge practices, meditation and being with oneself.***
Mėnulis šiuo metu keliauja Žuvų ženklu, taip pat dar turime ir Mėnulio pilnatį – tad šiuo metu – galime jaustis labiau emocingesni, jautresni mus supančiai aplinkai, galime lengviau pravirkti, ypač jei kas nepasiseka pagal mūsų norus ar lūkesčius. Dėl… Daugiau