The Moon is still traveling through the sign of Gemini, so communication is stil

l active, and emotions are a bit changeable, still with the Full moon contributing to that.
Mercury has started its retrograde movement since yesterday, so we need more care before signing contracts, consistency in communication so that we can follow each other more closely and avoid misunderstandings and mistakes. Now it’s better not to promise anything too much.

Mėnulis vis dar keliauja Dvynių ženklu, tad komunikacija vis dar aktyvi, o emocijos kiek permainingos, prie to prisideda vis dar esanti Mėnulio pilnatis.
Nuo vakar Merkurijus pradėjo savo retrogradinį judėjimą, todėl reikia daugiau atidumo, prieš… Daugiau
