The negative aspect of the Saturn and Uranus squares, which lasts for almost a m
onth, will reach its peak on June 14, which will bring additional restrictions, changes that we do not want, at best in this case,
is try to accept those tendencies, to try to tame them. Also, one can feel that our intuition is no longer working as well as it used to, it is the influence of Saturn that, by negatively affecting Uranus, seems to be blocking us, slowing down all the progress.***
Praktiškai visą mėnesį besitęsiantis Saturno ir Urano kvadratūros neigiamas aspektas pasieks piką birželio 14 dieną, tai atneš papildomus ribojimus, pokyčius, kurių nenorime, geriausia tokiu atveju, pasitengti priimti tas… Daugiau