These days – the Moon travels into the sign of Pisces, it is a bit more sensitiv
e, more emotional days, but suitable for creativity, artistic activities, meditation, relaxation. By January 21, Jupiter has a
tense aspect with Uranus, it’s conducive to monetary winnings, but you should think carefully about what risks to take, because hasty action can lead to losses, that success will be changeable, so you better rely on your inner intuition. Also, one should be more careful not to give up crazy, unfounded and dangerous ideas.***
Šiomis dienomis – Mėnulis keliauja žuvų ženklu, tai kiek jautresnės, emocingesnės dienos, tačiau tinkamos kūrybai, meninei veiklai, meditacijai, atsipalaidavimui.… Daugiau