Today Mercury moves to the sign of Pisces, until it moves in this position our c

ommunication will be a bit more emotional, deeper, it is a favorable time for creative work, art, as well as deepening yourself, your inner self, improving spiritually, and relaxing your thoughts when learning how to medidate, also you can try mindfulness methodologies, meditative drawing, coloring. Logical works and solutions will slow down for this period, there will be more doubts, uncertainties.
Šiandien Merkurijus pereina į Žuvų ženklą, kol jis judės šia pozicija mūsų komunikacija bus kiek emocionalesnė, gilesnė, tai palankus metas kūrybiniams darbams, menui, taip pat gilinimuisi į save, savo vidų,… Daugiau
