Today, the Moon is moving from a playful Leo to an organized and planning Virgo,

so we will tend to work harder, sit at the computer and documents without even feeling it. Tomorrow Mars moves to the sign of
Cancer, in this position the military march seems to calm down, weakens, becomes less aggressive, more vulnerable, sentimental, it also affects men, so it would not be worth explaining the relationship, distract, it would only bring more uncertainty, best way to spend your tame taking care at home, keep it cozy.***
Mėnulis šiandien iš žaismingojo Liūto pereina į organizuotąją ir planuojančią Mergelę, taigi būsime linkę daugiau padirbėti, užsisėdėti prie kompiuterio ir dokumentų to net… Daugiau