Today we are waiting for the New Moon in the sign of Pisces, it is a sensitive s

ign, but also deep, which makes this New Moon suitable for spiritual practices, meditation, cleansing, water element, such as a relaxing bath, will have a positive effect. It is good to go deeper into yourself, into your soul, to try to understand your goals, desires in life, you can correspond to them, and later, continuing the lunar cycle – try to implement them. Let us welcome this New Moon favorably, pushing hard thoughts, avoiding anger and intrigue.
Šiandien mūsų laukia Mėnulio jaunatis žuvų ženkle, tai jautrus ženklas, bet ir gilus, dėl to ši mėnulio jaunatis tinka dvasinėms praktikoms, meditacijai,… Daugiau
