We start March with warmer weather, and astrologically we currently have a full
Moon, which will make us more emotionally sensitive, more vulnerable, restless, harder to concentrate, accompanied by an apathetic
mood, may include despair, all of which is temporary and will pass. Tonight the Moon passes into the sign of a Scorpio, so possible intrigues, secrets, awakened passions, the evening is suitable for spiritual meditations, fire and candlelight will work especially well.***
Kovo mėnesį pradedame su šiltesniu oru, o astrologiškai šiuo metu turime Mėnulio pilnatį, dėl kurios įtakos būsime jautresni emociškai, labiau pažeidžiami, neramūs, bus sunkiau susikaupti, lydės apatiška nuotaika,… Daugiau