We start the month with the Moon in Aries and Full moon, it will be a bit tense,

we will want to hurry, to do various jobs as soon as possible, but the opposition between Mars and Saturn – can pause us, slow down, if Saturn works – means we have to act under a law, you will not accelerate the process, no matter how itchy your nails are – everything will turn out as it should be at the right time. The trine of the Moon and Venus will be a little more favorable for us.
Mėnesį pradedame su Mėnuliu Avine, ir pilnatimi, tai nuotaikos bus kiek įtemptos, norėsis skubėti, kuo greičiau nudirbti įvairius darbus, tačiau susidariusi opozicija tarp Marso ir Saturno – mus gali kiek pristabdyti,… Daugiau
