We will end this month with the Moon moving to the Libra in the evening, which w
ill help in the coming days, if we have to use diplomacy, balance between the two sides, as well as increase the desire to
beautify our appearance. The trine of the Moon and Mars with Pluto will also incorporate our emotions into strategic planning, they will be more practical, a good time to solve long-standing problems, as we will be more inclined to compromise.***
Šį mėnesį pabaigaime su vakarop pasislinkusiu Mėnuliu į svarstyklių ženklą, kas padės artimiausias dienas, jeigu teks pasitelkti diplomatiją, balansuoti tarp dviejų pusių, taip pat išaugs noras pasigražinti, pasirūpinti savo išvaizda. Mėnulio ir… Daugiau