What's Up: December 2019 Skywatching Tips from NASA

I'm sharing a video from Nasa page This week, Venus will pass through the Saturn, it will form – the term also used in astrology – conjunction, which will occur in Sagittarius. The Sagittarius, as we know, is acting impulsively, which at this point should be avoided. Better act wisely, with no hurry. The position of Venus and Saturn also allows for relationships to end, more conflicts. Rather than annoying each another, better be peacefully with yourself, spend more time walking in nature.
At the moment, it's even a full moon, it will work more stronger. It's better not to make hasty conclusions, “do not cut the throat” let this period remain calmly. Good luck!
#nasa #conjunction #Venus #Saturn
What can you see in the December sky? Beautiful pairings of planets and the crescent Moon throughout the month, at sunrise and sunset. Here's where and when …