You have probably heard a lot about the comet NEOWISE, but I would also like to ment…

You have probably heard a lot about the comet NEOWISE, but I would also like to mention that when this was discovered on March 27, 2020, it was in complete opposition to Saturn, and at that time the world was suffering from the Coronavirus (declared March 11), and what we have: constraints, quarantine, deaths, and the opposition to Saturn does just that, adding fears, strictness, rules, suffering, and geopolitical change.
Turbūt apie kometą NEOWISE jau girdėjote nemažai, bet dar norėčiau paminėti, kad kai buvo atrasta 2020 Kovo 27 dieną, ji sudarė pilną opoziciją su Saturnu, o tuo metu pasaulis kentėjo nuo Corona viruso (deklaruotas Kovo 11 d.) Ir štai kokį turime rezultatą: suvaržymai, karantinas, mirtys, o opozicija su Saturnu būtent tai ir pateikia, dar pridedant baimes, griežtą tvarką, taisykles, kančią ir geopolitinius pokyčius.

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