From October 2, Jupiter has a favorable aspect with Neptune, which will peak on Octo…

From October 2, Jupiter has a favorable aspect with Neptune, which will peak on October 12-14, it will ease the situation, as it will bring more optimism, success and harmony, ease tension, will be favorable for spiritual growth, help others, especially working in groups is a good time for creativity as both intuition and imagination will be strengthened.
Nuo spalio 2 dienos, Jupiteris sudaro palankų aspektą su neptūnu, kurio pikas bus spalio 12-14 dienomis, tai palengvins susidariusią situaciją, kadangi tai atneš daugiau optimizmo, sėkmės ir harmonijos, palengvins įtampą, šiuo metu bus palankus dvasinis augimas, pagalba kitiems, ypač dirbant grupėmis, geras laikas kūrybai, kadangi tiek intuicija, tiek vaizduotė sustiprės.

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